Illustrating the natural world allows me to witness intricacies which normally go unnoticed…

In a fast paced culture, it is easy to miss the beauty surrounding us. Illustrating the natural world allows me to witness intricacies which normally go unnoticed. Art has always been a strong part of my identity, along with a strong love for the outdoors. Growing up in San Diego, I was fortunate enough to enjoy most of my childhood by the water. Long days were spent being tackled by waves and drying off in the sun. Evenings were finished drawing animals and fictional creatures. When I chose my college for undergrad, it was important to me to stay by the ocean. It was equally necessary for me to study visual art. CSUMB was the perfect fit. While attending CSUMB I discovered the Science Illustration program through summer classes. Learning about a career which combines my love for art and the natural world, allowed my passions to finally connect. Science Illustration enables me to depict the intricacy of the Natural Sciences through visual breakdowns. The more I study Science Illustration, the more vibrant and curious the natural world becomes. I hope my illustrations serve as a reminder of the beauty found in moments of tranquil observation.